“Waiting” by Laura Vitcova

A pyre waits to be consumed by heaven
rests upon broken wings of a raven

broken are the wings of many ravens
still searching for sustenance spitting

rhythmically into tide pools spitting
bits of sand and silica and feathers

and sand and silica bits plundered
palming places nevertheless touched

by palming too many previously touched
thundering god’s coalescence, lips

summoning god’s omnipresent lips
praying for futures remaining, dare we say

dare we say anything about the future
pyre waiting to be consumed by heaven.

Laura Vitcova was born in Northern California and writes from her home near San Francisco. She is a multidisciplinary artist – poet, musician, photographer – with a passion for language. For her poetry combines words, music and images in ways that create powerful emotional experiences. In her spare time, she attends workshops, hikes with Eli the shaggy dog or is found looking through the lens of a camera. Twitter: @lauravitcova IG: @starlinglaura